Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanksgiving '08

This year Thanksgiving was at our house. A large portion of the Henderson family joined us. Great times, great food, fine holiday fun!
Kate sitting on Ryan & Emily's pup Terra, yes she is Cleo's daughter, Terra not Kate.

Settlers of Catan i loathe you.

Heidi & Me on a hike at Zions.

The boys and their parents. Madison and Jordan playing nice.

My nieces and nephews are cuter than yours!


Heather!!! said...

Audrey!!! You play settlers? I love that game! I have all 3. Cities and Nights, and Seafarers. We used to play it alot in EM. Us girls would get together after the kids went down and played played played. We loved it! My kids even like to play it! So if you really like it, then we should do it sometime! I challenge you!

Audrey Henderson said...

no actually i despise it, with a passion, but i would love to play another game, settlers requires way more strategy and patience than i have to give, also it's way too freaking long of a game

Richins Family said...

Looks like a fun day. I don't even know the game you are talking about and I love games. I wish my hubby did. Whats up with thinking your neices and nephews are the cutest? Mine so out beat yours. :)

April Leydsman Mason said...

cute aprons!!!

Richins Family said...

Look at me... I didn't know that I am #1 on your friends and fam list. Wow, thanks I am really touched. :) I know for sure now I really beat out Mir... not just cause your list is in alphabet order or anything ;)

Emily Louise said...

Cute pics and we got your adorable Christmas card! Thanks for sending it. Be prepared for updates on the Ging in a few days :)

Heather!!! said...

Oh come on!!! it is so much fun! You can also get it done in a hour sometimes. But us girls just loved to social too much! :) Who really cares who wins (unless it was me that time-then it was awesome!)