Sunday, March 29, 2009

archie & bowling

Yes that's right, Tori and I hit up the David Archuleta concert last Tuesday. It was INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! I heart archie!!! Seriously Tori and I had a ball, between the insane 12 year olds screaming at a decibel i didn't think possible to seeing one of my old lady clients from my clinic in the row behind us, it was so funny and entertaining.

Had to also share this incredible moment in Steve's life. Friday we went bowling and well don't adjust your eyes, that is his score indeed. JEEALLLOOUUSSS???!?!?! He was on freaking fire. He is strongly considering quitting the appraisal business and going pro.

Succession of excellent weekends

Two weekends ago my freaking cool sister Julia came down from the BYU to play with me, she even brought her also very cool roomie Sarah. Juice and I have a very, very special relationship, when we get together, steve just kind of sits and watches us and our insanity. Anyhow here is all the rad stuff we did.cleo does this every time juice is around, ssooo weird.we found this super secret and super sweet slot canyon at zions, i had never been in a slot canyon and neither had juice or sarah so it was pretty much mind blowing.After some in depth research and phone calls i determined i was indeed allowed to have a fire pit in my backyard. To celebrate this new information we of course broke in our new fire pit. It is wonderful, i think it may have changed my life, i know the s'mores did that night.
Then last weekend we drove down to Palm Springs, which is in the California desert. We met my little brother Peter and my parents down there. We watched tennis at Indian Wells, finally i feel like I get tennis, well maybe this time I just cared enough to get it. It was the semi-finals of this tournament so we got to watch the best players in the world, it was quite interesting. Also my mom and I got some girl time together, we shopped, ate and talked a lot, which was ssooo very much needed on my end. P.S. The shopping in palm springs = crazy good.Here we are near death from heat stroke at tennis, it was only like 85 degress but sitting in the hot sun for several hours made it feel approximately 850 degrees to me. Still it was awesome, I just had to take shade breaks.Dinner at my ffrraavvorite restaurant P.F. Changs. I heart you p.f.!It was another great weekend, i really needed it. Quick break, retail therapy, family time, a visit to mr. chang's and I was so much better off!

Monday, March 16, 2009

1/4 century

25 i mean really, what is that number? Actually i like it. I've found in the last week since turning 25 i have written a lot more poems, gotten a lot more respect, gained great perspective on life, solved several world issues, gotten a lot hotter, grown emotionally, and have increased my general awesomeness. Really, not much has changed, but for some reason i really like 25. Following you will see how glorious my birthday was. My b-day was last monday, steve took me out to a fancy dinner Saturday night, then to the sweetest concert by the Heritage Choir, it was all love songs, naturally i loved it.Wicked awesome flowers my honey got me.
Then on my actual birthday he continued the Stowell family tradtion of breakfast in bed, he made me crepes, Cleo was pissed because i only shared 1/2 crepe with her and also she thought it was very disgusting to eat in bed, i told her not to judge me, especially on the 25th anniversary of my birth.I got to lunch with some hott ladies .. seriously we look gooood. And only because Porter is cute and charming and totally flirted with me he was allowed to the ladies lunch.

This is how Cleo felt about the balloons i brought home from lunch at Red Robin, complete misunderstanding and fear, what else is new.
My most wonderful beehives came over and played with me.
They even brought me gifts: a fish named DC after Diet Coke of course, a 12 pack of Diet Coke, lip gloss and an awesome poster ... they are totally the best, heart you girls!
Steve and I hit up Brushfire Pottery for a fun b-day activity and to get our creative juices a flowing, this was the end result.Then Steve made me dinner, with the cute apron and all. Filet mignon, peas & potatoes, spinach salad, and yeah he made me a cake.
I mean can't you tell how much more distinguised i look blowing out candles now that i'm 25, it's a world of difference, i know.
My birfday presents, this hott scarf and turqoise necklace and earrings. Also another year he puts up with my obsession with Cleo.
It was a wonderful birthday. I totally felt all the love, so thanks to everyone who loves me, i love you all back, A LOT!! And don't you worry i'll continue to blog about what might be my best year ever!